Novartis Clarification on Specialty Pharmacy Settlement in Principle Announcement

Novartis Clarification on Specialty Pharmacy Settlement in Principle Announcement

Oct 27, 2015

As part of Q3 Earnings, Novartis announced that it reached a settlement in principle in the suit related to the Company's interactions with specialty pharmacies.  Some media coverage did not accurately reflect our position and the seriousness of the Company's commitment to working with the government to ensure our behaviors and interactions with specialty pharmacies meet the highest ethical standards.  As such, we want to emphasize the following points:

Novartis will make detailed admissions of fact concerning the Government’s allegations as part of the final settlement.

Any reports suggesting that we are not addressing the Government’s concerns or the particular issues on which the litigation focused was not intended by the Company.

We remain committed to working with the government on corporate integrity obligations, including those relating to specialty pharmacies, and conducting our business in an ethical manner that is fully compliant with the law.

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