John McKenna

Chief Financial Officer, IM US and Country Chief Financial Officer, US

John is the CFO for US Innovative Medicines and US Country CFO. He is a member of the Global Finance Leadership Team (FLT) and the US Innovative Medicines Leadership Team (US IMLT) John rejoined Novartis Pharmaceuticals from AstraZeneca as US Pharma CFO in September 2017 and moved to his current role in 2022. John has held several CFO positions at the global and affiliate level within the Novartis Group, including Alcon, CIBA VISION Corporation, and Novartis Consumer Health.

John is a CPA and a CMA and holds a Doctorate degree (DBA) from Temple University, a Masters (MA) from Gonzaga University and a Bachelor’s degree (B. Comm) from McMaster University.

He is energized by leading and developing high performance teams that are tightly connected to the company mission both inside and outside of Finance.

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